
Each game, a craftable item is chosen as the target. To win the game, that item must be crafted within 36 attempts.
The game provides feedback for each attempt. The crafting output will be coloured in a way that a crafting recipe exists, which produces the target item and uses all the green coloured ingredients in the same place and uses all the yellow coloured ingredients in a different place compared to the attempt.
Be aware that there might be multiple recipes resulting in the target item. Additionally, there might be multiple options to align the ingredients for a recipe. The game will choose the recipe for the feedback that results in the most green inputs, then the most yellow inputs and in case of a tie will prefer to put the recipe closer to the top left.
Any recipe that can be crafted in a crafting table in Minecraft 1.18.1 can be used, except for the combination of two items for repair. Any item shown in the ingredient list can be used in at least one recipe. We did not implement NBT tags, so recipes that rely on them will always accept the item. For example, two red banners can be combined, even though in Minecraft the recipe requires one patterned and one blank banner.